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Paid advertising is a powerful way to drive more traffic to your website and increase sales. With Google Shopping, you can showcase your products directly in search results, making it easier for customers to find and purchase them.

Paid Ads and Google Shopping

Welcome to Ecommerce Camp, where today’s topic is Paid Ads and Google Shopping.

Here, we will cover Google Search Ads, Paid Search Ads, and especially some words about Google Shopping.
Let’s talk about Google Search Ads, and let’s begin with the question, “Why are Google ads so popular?

Why are Google Ads and Google Shopping so popular?

1. Popularity

First of all, we have to mention that Google is the most popular tool in the world and the most popular search engine in the world, so when you say search something, you will mean Google something because if you would like to read something, watch a video, find any picture, or find a product or service, you will Google it to find it.
Google processes more than 99,000 searches every single second in the world, which means more than 8.5 billion sources per day. There are so many searches, and this is why it’s the most popular one.
This is why you have to use Google Ads to advertise your services, and here you can find your clients.

2. Targeting options

Google has a very good targeting option. You can target your audience by many different factors, like demographics (sex, age, geography, live events, etc.).
You can use audience interests and audience behavior to target them.
You can choose the websites your audience has to visit or the category of the websites you got your audience with.
You can choose, for example, the applications your potential clients use or install, and you can show the ads inside the apps.
You can show your ads on Google Play Market or use different website networks to show your remarketing ads and display ads. For example, if visitors check your website, edit shipping or card details, start a checkout, or just check out the product page, you can show your ads on any website, like news or blogs, if this website uses the Google AdSense Network.

3. Cost-effective advertising

We have to say that Google Ads are very cost-effective advertisements because you always pay for clicks or impressions. Moreover, you can optimise your advertisement to receive cheaper conversions or traffic.
When we say cost-effective advertisement, it means that you will always pay only for the customers who visit your website. For example, if you launch Search Ads you will never pay for the people who just search and see your ads and don’t click. You always pay only when the potential customer Googles something, sees your ad, clicks on it, and visits your website.
It means that he or she lands on your landing page and sees information about your product, service, or something else.

4. Measurable results

Also with Google Analytics, we can measure any results we receive from Google Ads, which means that we can measure everything people do on your website starting from the moment potential customers click on your ad on a search engine, and then we can see everything they are doing on your website, for how long they stay, how deep they scroll, what they add to cart, what they remove from cart, once they start to check out, what pages they view, from which website they come to your website, and in some cases, we can also see where they go after your website.
Usually, we have to use additional third-party tools, like Ahrefs, Semrush, or something else to see it, but in some cases, we can also see it with Google Analytics.

5. flexiblity

The last scene is flexibility, which means that with Google Ads, we can show our advertisements everywhere on the YouTube Display Network. It means a very big network of websites that use Google AdSense.
We can show our ads and search; we can show them on discover category; on email, when people use Gmail, we can target them by their email addresses; and we can show our ads on maps, which is very good for a local business.
For example, when you don’t need to show your ads for all countries or the whole city, you can target some options with radios, like one kilometer from your point or your store or two kilometers, and only the people who are near your store will see your advertisement.

Search Ads. Do you need it?

Let’s talk about search ads. Why do you need it, and why do people always start with paid search and search ads?
Usually, in our agency, we suggest to our clients and small businesses that they start with search ads because:
  • It’s cost-effective and you always pay for clicks.
  • You can target only the people who search for you.
  • It’s easy to scale and easily reduce the cost of this advertisement.

For example, if I need some plumbers in New York, I can type it in a Google search, and I’ll see the ad as an answer to my question. With a very high percentage, I will click it and maybe order this plumber service in New York if I like it. So that means that it’s a very relevant audience, and all your ads will be shown only to the people who search for you.

My primary objective for search advertisements is to drive conversions and sales. For us, the focus isn’t solely on how many people view the ad or the information; what truly matters is who clicks on it and whether they make a purchase. We can easily calculate this. For instance, if we spend $10 on ads and someone makes a purchase, we can quickly calculate the return using Google Ads or integrated Google Analytics.


This is a script of our in-depth webinar with Max Zakhozhiy, covering key Google Ads strategies and insights needed to dominate Google paid search and Google Shopping.

To further assist you, we’ve made accessing this valuable resource simple. You can easily view the full video recording:

Paid Ads and Google shopping - video with Max
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Max Zakhozhiy
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